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Payment Methods:
We currently accept PayPal and various credit card payments. If your payment fails (please note: you may have adverse spending records), please switch to another company’s credit card or use PayPal for payment. We will strive to accept more payment methods in the future to provide a more convenient payment experience.
News about new payment methods and currencies will be updated on this page.
Secure Payment Processing:
Once your order is completed through secure online processing, we will not retain your PayPal and credit card details. Your card details will be automatically verified online by and PingPong, the world’s leading secure online payment processors. If you have any questions about shopping securely with us, we will be happy to assist you.
Please note: Please ensure that you enter the correct English shipping address during checkout, otherwise the items you order will be sent to your default PayPal address.
Payment Success Notification:
Once payment is successful, you will receive an email notification of the transaction receipt.
Order Processing and Delivery:
Once you have successfully paid, all you need to do is wait. We will process your order within 24 hours, and delivery usually takes 1-2 days.
Order Status Explanation:
You will receive email notifications of each stage of your order (e.g., date, parcel, parcel tracking, etc.). You can also obtain this information on the account page.
Order Status Updates:
Generally, we process and ship orders on the second day of payment. The order status will be changed to “Completed” after the goods are shipped, and before that, it will be displayed as “Pending”.
Questions About Order Status:
If the order status shows as “Completed” but you have not yet received the goods, please use the tracking number provided in the order to track your package.
Handling of Unpaid Orders:
Unpaid orders will not be processed, you can ignore unpaid orders and proceed to the next new order and make payment.